interested in fostering?

Friends of Bear is currently a foster-based rescue. We don’t yet have our own facility to house cats in, so we rely on kind people who are willing to open up their hearts and homes to these cats who need a place to crash for a while. Fostering a cat is one of the most rewarding things you can do! And we can’t save cats without dedicated fosters. All vet expenses, food, and supplies are covered by us - all you need to provide is a comfy place in your home and some scritches. Are you in?

Please fill out the form below to apply to foster with us.

We are based in Walnut Creek, CA so please only apply if you live within reasonable distance. Thank you!

You can foster a cute simple kitten like the dingus pictured here, or you can foster a Certified Janky Cat™ - whatever you’re comfortable with! There is always a cat in need of a safe place to land for a little while.