wanna pitch in?

As a 501c3 nonprofit, Friends of Bear relies on fellow janky cat lovers to support our mission. When you donate, you become a vital part of saving these cats who are desperate for our help. All donations go directly to the vet bills, medications, food, and supplies for the cats in our care. Let’s change some kitties’ lives together.

Pictured above: Birdie, a stray cat who was found hidden in a bush and crying in pain as she suffered from severe Stomatitis, an awful oral disease. Birdie was trying to fend for herself on the streets, slowly withering away as her painful condition caused her to be unable to eat. Friends of Bear took her in and provided the essential surgery to relieve her suffering and give her the happy life every cat deserves. With your support, we hope to help many more cats like Birdie find their own happy ending.